Church Life


Fire Groups




Sunday Worship Gatherings

We are a worship community that glorifies God and exalts Him above anything else. We approach His throne with thankful hearts and a stance of unity in our praise as we gather to seek Him as one voice. We believe worship is a sacred journey of intimate and revelatory connection and we honour that belief by intentionally devoting time to extended worship as we invite Holy Spirit to move in our meetings.

Encounter nights

It’s our heart’s desire to see Manchester burning with a hunger to encounter the presence of God and be awakened to His love for us. We love to extend our Encounter invitations to the city and beyond by hosting worship nights with one agenda, to glorify God. There’s something so beautiful about these gatherings that resemble different tribes and tongues uniting as one voice to adore the King and we believe atmospheres and hearts are changed as we worship together.




Our heart for our Catch the Fire kids is that they would have real encounters with God that transform their hearts and empower them to further the kingdom of God.
We want the children to walk with Jesus in everyday life, hear His voice, pursue deep relationship with Him and live supernatural lifestyles.

We want to equip and empower our CTF kids to be catalysts in the kingdom, to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and to have confidence and boldness to spread the love of God like wildfire in their families, friendship groups and communities.




Our heart is to raise up and equip the next generation of young people to fly higher and walk confidently in the destiny and purpose God has called them to.

We are passionate about seeing every young person encounter God transforming presence as they walk out their personal journey with God while extending his kingdom in all that they do. As a team we are excited that we get to partner with God in stirring up the incredible gifts God has placed inside each one of them.


 What’s On
